Outgrowing your office? Things to consider before you move out

Outgrowing your office? Things to consider before you move out

Outgrowing your office? Things to consider before you move out

When considering whether or not you need to move into larger offices, there are several things to take into account before you move to ensure you are going to get the most out of the change and have used all of your current space to its limit. This blog will outline some of the important considerations you should be aware of before making a move and be able to be confident in the decision and how it will benefit your company.


A common reason for moving into larger premises is the number of employees a company has, and therefore  feels the need to provide more space and working capability. This has the benefit of allowing for more employees to join the company in the future without cramping and squeezing the space in the office to soon. However before you move premises it is a good idea to reconfigure and adjust the layout and structure of the office space to attempt to provide extra space and manoeuvrability for employees without the hassle of moving. Although this may not prevent moving it could provide useful insights into the possible layout of your new office and which arrangements work best. Thus saving you valuable time and money by setting up the ideal configuration of the new office straight away.


The lack of workable space and additional rooms for meetings and private conversations can be a reason that companies choose to relocate to larger and more suitable premises with multiple meeting rooms to be able to provide the necessary space and freedom to work in different rooms and areas. This will maximise the usefulness of each room and prevent employees having to wait for particular rooms to become available, which costs time and money and can be extremely ineffective and disruptive to the workings of the office and staff. Ensuring that you have the rooms you need to work in and to conduct different work requirements, be that meetings or desk work is an important feature of a practical and efficient office and should be sort after as a priority.

Storage capacity 

A key criteria of most offices is the ability to store documents and other office equipment in and around the office to ensure it is easily accessible yet in a safe and orderly place that does not cause inconvenience or confusion to employees who are aware of the necessary storage arrangements. Most importantly there must be enough storage capacity to cater for the needs of the office and that documents and other items are not left lying around getting mixed up or lost with other office clutter that could be present. Such storage capacity is likely to be found in new and improved office space, yet it is important to be aware of your existing storage facilities to ensure they are being used as effectively as possible and how you can improve them either in your existing or new office.

Open area/s 

These spaces can be very effective to improve the moral and mental happiness of employees if they have a separate area or areas to either work away from their desk or to go on their lunch break. These areas sometimes called breakout areas can provide a useful break with the office environment and can boost productivity and efficiency in employees. These spaces are most common in larger office building but can be found in many office sizes in many different locations. These spaces have sometimes been given over to expand the office space and increase the number of desks and employees which can be another reason by a company may seek to move in order to restore some of the lost spaces.


When considering whether or not to move, an unavoidable factor is the cost. Moving can often be expensive, especially if you are refurbishing your new office space. However, you could also be cutting costs to move to an office that is cheaper to rent and more cost effective for your company. A new location with a new look and potentially in a better area  can have a big impact on the success of your company. The impact on staff who may have to travel further or even move should not be discarded either. If this expense is misplaced it could have costly and unfortunate consequences that may have been avoided without the move taking place. It’s a difficult decision, that should not be made in haste but with careful consideration and care of all the facts and possible outcomes.

Once you have considered these important factors in relation to office relocation, you will be in a better position and be able to make a more informed position having considered and evaluated the most important factors and implications of the decision and how it could impact both your company and your staff both positivity and negativity. Therefore, making the decision in the most professional and considerate way for all involved.

If you are considering moving to new offices and would like more information about how to achieve this, then please contact JST Construction who will be able to provide expert help from years of experience to ensure you make the right decision for you and your company.